NSW Environmental Education Centres

Natural learning

Warrumbungle National Park Environmental Education Centre

Warrumbungle National Park EEC

Warrumbungle National Park Environmental Education Centre (WNPEEC) is a Department of Education school. We are located in the heart of the beautiful and unique Warrumbungle National Park in the central west of NSW. Together, we make possible an excursion venue that provides carefully planned programs to suit your syllabus based outcomes and provide your students with a memorable experience.

WNPEEC offers environmental education programs for students from Kindergarten o Year 12. WNPEEC also provides support to teachers and schools in Environmental Education and Education for Sustainability. We assist teachers to implement curriculum outcomes for a range of subject areas for K-12 students and we design and deliver programs that are linked to the syllabus and include hands on, fun and engaging learning experiences.

We also offer a range of affordable camping programs and run professional development for teachers in various KLAs, with a particular focus on inquiry learning, fieldwork and the new Geography Syllabus.

Our Education Centre is  located in the heart of the Warrumbungle NP , from here you can Explore our Flora , Fauna , GeologyFirst People and European history.

The centre sits on Gamilaroi Country.

Visit Warrumbungle National Park EEC website.

Maps end here
Maps end here

Eucalypt forest


Stage 2

This unit of work focuses on earth’s environment: eucalypt forest, a significant environment.  It describes examples of habitats in the forest and how they meet the needs of living things, in particular how plants are used by animals.  It also provides examples of a food chain in the forest.

Students examine the importance of natural vegetation and natural resources to the environment, animals and people and learn about the ways people value environments, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

During the day there is a mix of teacher-led and student-centred activities which are explained on mini task cards. The students stop in at least four places on the walk where they select one or more of the tasks to complete independently in that location.  A bag of equipment is provided and each student receives an activity journal and map.

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Environmental change and management


Stage 5

This program comprises of pre-work, excursion, and post-work to target geographical and environmental literacy. This involves a large extent of inquiry-based learning consisting of first-hand observations and experiences by being submersed in the Warrumbungle environment. Students will gather a greater understanding of interactions and connections between people, places and environments by doing either Fans Horizon or Tara Caves short walks in the Warrumbungle N.P. Furthermore, students will gather information to explain the natural and human induced processes and influences that helped form and transform this environment. 

Following this activity students will be taken to Camp Blackman, which is the main campground in the Warrumbungle N.P. From here students will draw a map which will further assist in assessing the management strategies for this unique environment to ensure its sustainability.

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