NSW Environmental Education Centres

Natural learning

High potential and gifted education programs

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Multiple domains

Warrawi Yana Nura

Multiple stages - secondary

Warrawi Yana Nura aims to transform Aboriginal students’ learning experiences beyond the classroom, fostering authentic cultural knowledge development and leadership skills.


Aboriginal literacy

Mutiple stages - primary

Connecting students to Country through story telling. 

Explorers club

Multiple stages - primary


Project platypus

Stage 3

Students can investigate their local river environment, focusing on the habitat needs of the nationally threatened platypus, and contribute to research scientists’ needs on their location and behaviour through citizen science.


Stage 1

A focus on literacy and and creative arts

Who killed kermit?

Stage 2

Students learn the premise of scientific method then work in small teams to conduct a series of investigations in order to solve an ecological mystery.

Active Routes to Schools

Multiple stages - primary

A geography program developed in partnership with Transport for NSW where students work with their local EEC and Council officers to develop a school active travel map. 

Terrific turtles

Mutiple stages

A depth study/inquiry based program looking at freshwater turtles in the lakes/Nepean River looking at local water health and assessing freshwater turtle requirements. 

Explorers club

Multiple stages - primary


Environmental maths day

Stage ??

7 stations, 7 challenges. Using navigation and maps, measurement, shapes and angles, patterns and symmetry, time and units, collecting biotic and abiotic data - discover the mystery of maths in nature.

Intellectual domain


Stage 6

A competition where teams of 4 students from different schools complete a series of practical investigations and interview stakeholders to answer a challenge question relating to the local environment. 

Our living world

Stage 3

Students will create a documentary after investigating the features and adaptations of rocky shore species and discuss with a marine biologist the impacts of a changing climate.


Multiple stages

This immersive experience invites students to delve into the fascinating world of invertebrates, including their anatomy, taxonomy and conservation.

STEM @ The Coal Loader

Stage 5

Stage 5 science or STEM students explore energy and environmental sustainability through activities, followed by a STEM-based activity to improve sustainability on their school grounds.  

Treasure trackers

Stage 3

Immersing students in orienteering within our stunning bushland setting, participants will begin by learning to navigate using a baseplate compass and later Garmin GPS units to locate cache boxes.

Inquiring minds camp

Stage 3

Students work with expert mentors.

Treasure trackers

Stage 3

Students learn mapping and navigation skills then work in groups to navigate their way around Longneck Lagoon, finding and solving clues along the way.



Creative domain

Environmental arts camp

Stage 3

Environmental Arts Camp at Dorroughby EEC brings creative students passionate about nature and the environment together for a 3-day camp. Students learn creative practices, environmental causes, and how to use their creativity to advocate for nature.  

Bush studio

Multiple stages - primary

Explore the unique urban bushland setting and experiment with various art mediums. 

Colour the earth art camp

Stage 3


Social-emotional domain

Mindfulness and wellbeing in nature 

Multiple stages - primary

This program explores our connection to nature through mindfulness with guided activities that connect us to nature and regenerate our minds. 

Teamwork and leadership program

Multiple stages - primary

Challenging activities and experiences that aim to build interpersonal skills and resilience across personal and group situations, with a focus upon positive attributes including respect, perseverance, problem solving and kindness. 

Leadership programs

Multiple stages - primary

Designed to develop or enhance a range of communication, teamwork or leadership skills. 

Primary leadership

Stage 3

Primary leadership program with local combined HPGE network. Student leaders participate in activites developing positive leadership qualities and teamwork skills.

Physical domain