Red Hill EEC
Red Hill EEC is located within the original Public School facilities, established in 1892. The quaint and historic township of Gulgong provides a great resource for history progams, while we also have an on-site Aboriginal learning area and travel to beautiful nearby outdoor locations such as The Drip and Dunn's Swamp (Ganguddy).
At Red Hill EEC we aim to engage and inspire visitors by learning from our past to inform our future.
We also ensure all visitors, both young and old, are given opportunities to experience 'Yindyamarra' so that they can Connect, Succeed and Thrive.
'Yindyamarra' - do something slowly, to respect, to be gentle, to be polite, to honour, take responsibility.
Red Hill EEC deliver high quality environmental and sustainability education programs to students from Early Childhood Education to Year 12. Our programs are alligned to numerous Key Learning Areas and syllabus outcomes and are designed to engage in students in hands-on learning.
We offer day programs, residential (overnight) programs, camps and incursions.
Red Hill EEC is on Wiradjuri Country.
Visit Red Hill EEC website.