NSW Environmental Education Centres

Natural learning

Penrith Lakes Environmental Education Centre

Penrith Lakes EEC

Penrith Lakes Environmental Education Centre (PLEEC) provides quality curriculum related fieldwork programs for students (K-12) across different KLA’s. These engaging programs support students in achieving syllabus outcomes as well as in appreciating their application in the ‘real world context’. In addition to that PLEEC also provides programs that address ‘Sustainability’ as a cross curriculum priority of the new Australian Curriculum. In 2014 PLEEC relocated to new site within the Sydney International Regatta Centre on a temporary lease agreement and is awaiting permanent relocation to the completed Penrith Lakes Scheme. Around 7,000 students undertake our programs each year both on site and off site, such as in the Blue Mountains National Park. We hope to see you and your school soon for a great day out!

Penrith Lakes EEC is on Darug Country.

Visit Penrith Lakes EEC website

Maps end here
Maps end here

Penrith Lakes Safari

Science and Geography

Students conduct an investigation of a Penrith Lakes Parkland and create links between them and their environment.

Activities include : Introduction and tour of Penrith Lakes, tree and bug search, catching aquatic bugs, and live animal presentation.

Key syllabus inquiry questions are:

Geography  – Features of places

  • What are the features of, and activities in, places?
  • How can spaces within a place be used for different purposes?

Science – Living World

  • What are the external features of living things?
  • How can we improve a local environment to encourage living things to thrive?
  • How do living things change as they grow?

Program details

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Changing Biomes at Penrith Lakes


Stage 5

Students will investigate first hand how humans have altered the natural biome in the Penrith Lakes Parkland Area.

Activities include: Introduction and tour of Penrith Lakes and Field sketch, water and soil testing, Invertebrate survey, bird observation and water management practices.

Areas covered:
Examination of human alterations to the physical characteristics of biomes and assessment of environmental impacts of human alternatives to biomes.

Program details

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Kitchen Gardens program

Penrith Lakes Environmental Education Centre (PLEEC) has developed a Kitchen Gardens program where students are engaged in one-hour cooking and gardening lessons each week for up to four classes per day. The program is designed for students to achieve educational, wellbeing and sustainability outcomes through curriculum embedded, cross KLA lesson sequences. The PLEEC Kitchen Gardens program teaches a range of life skills, supports critical thinking, communication, problem solving and teamwork skills.

Learn more aout Penrith Lakes kitchen garden program.