NSW Environmental Education Centres

Natural learning

Camden Park Environmental Education Centre

Camden Park EEC

Camden Park Environmental Education Centre is part of the NSW Department of Education's network of 25 environmental education centres spread across the state. The centre is situated on a 1,600 hectare grazing property on the outskirts of Sydney.

The property is used as the Department of Industry and Investments main research institute and is managed as a typical NSW grazing property. Eight different ecosystems have been identified on the property and include a number of natural communities, such as a 40 hectare wildlife conservation zone and Nepean Riverine bushland.

Visiting student groups also have access to many agri-ecosystems, farming infrastructure and the 5,000 sheep, cattle and other resident livestock.

The centre sits on Tharawal country.

Visit Camden Park EEC website

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Gold Discovery


Stage 3

Through students participating in a recreation of a day in the life of a miner on the Australian Goldfields of the 1850s, this learning program adds a comprehensive practical component to a classroom based study of Australian history and key changes and developments from the past. An entirely hands on day that encourages teamwork and cooperation, the goldrush provides a platform to study broad concepts related to change, significance of key events and experiences of people in the development of Australia.

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Sustainable Biomes


Stage 5

Camden Park EEC is located 75km south west of Sydney CBD, on the Elizabeth Mac- arthur Agricultural Institute (EMAI) - a 1,600ha NSW government livestock re- search property operating commercial sheep flocks and a beef cattle operation. Students investigate the physical characteristics of rural land with an emphasis on examination of human alterations for food production.

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Learning resources

Under development

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